Thursday 11 January 2007

A visitor's comments prompts thinking

A visitor to St Andrew's said the other day, and I think it was basically along these lines "I love churches, but I don't have any interest in what goes on in them." I'm paraphrasing a bit, but it was more or less so.
Love the building, all that is inside, stained glass, architecture, smells & history, etc. But the kind of worship, programs, etc, that occur in them is not for them.
Our building is 'very' attractive as per comments above but I do wonder about our worship and our programs. Try as I/we might somehow or other it just doesn't seem to reach most people. The answer - change to attract - are we then selling out to get bums on pews? Be faithful to the 'received tradition' and only address & serve ourselves?
I've got to do some more thinking, but the thinking is beginning to hurt as I'm mostly talking to myself. Must find a 'conversation partner'.

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