Monday 10 November 2008

It's all about being "contextual"!?

The following came from an excerpt in Craig Mitchell's blog. I too have been "banging on" about being contextual. Seemingly for ever. I keep trying to tell folk that our life as a congregation in Jetty Rd. Glenelg cannot be anything but contextual if we are to be a church and not a museum.

Aptitudes of Spirit-Led Missional Congregations in Context
1. Spirit-led missional congregations learn to read a context as they seek their contextuality.
2. Spirit-led missional congregations anticipate new insights into the gospel.
3. Spirit-led missional congregations anticipate reciprocity.
4. Spirit-led missional congregations understand they are contextual and, therefore, particular.
5. Spirit-led missional congregations understand that ministry is always contextual and, therefore, is also practical.
6. Spirit-led missional congregations understand that doing theology is always contextual and, therefore, is also perspectival.
7. Spirit-led missional congregations understand that organization is always contextual and, therefore, is also provisional.

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