Thursday 30 October 2008

Trust? Whatever happened to trust?

As I/we have watched the stock market continuing to grind lower, I feel something more may be at work. And that something centres on trust and credibility which, I believe, have been lacking in corporate and government leadership in recent years. Like the boy who cried wolf, corporate and regulatory officials have issued a lot of hogwash over the years. Until recently we investors were willing to believe it. Now we may not fall so easily into gullibility. Is it any surprise that virulent mistrust seems to own the markets now?
We know the old adage “Trust abused is trust destroyed”. Those who should have been stewards of other people’s money became salespeople for all manner of “shysters” whose aim was to enrich only themselves.
It’s obvious - we have to rebuild trust, starting by making sure each of us is trustworthy in whatever we do and say. Never mind pointing the finger at someone else. Start right where you are. If enough people are willing to do that, there’s still hope something good will come from this mess.

1 comment:

Pip said...

Amen to that. But I fear that until we recognise the dark side in us, what the church calls sin, and treat it for what it is, then we will not be able to rise above this recurring problem. It has happened many times before for the same reasons and what will prevent it happening again when we have such short memories. Indeed even now the moneymakers are only scrambling to save thier own skins and not look to any real changes to the way business is done.