Friday 20 July 2007

Seeking our church demographic ...

The following was a comment on the blog "Out of Ur" dealing with the notion of "well curve" (need to look up not room for full description here) that has to do with demographics in today's western society & thus belonging in the church & the kind of "members"/demographic we seek to attract.

This may not be the place to say it, but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm not sure this post is about demographics, but just in case it is - I'm the demographic that no one wants in their church. No one ever says, "we want God to send us needy people," or "we want God to send us a lot of middle-aged divorced women with children who don't have much to contribute financially and may occasionally require some of our resources." I can't tell you how many congregational meetings I've sat through (in more than one church) while the leaders talk about the demographics they're looking for - upper middle class young couples in their 30s with two children. It's hard for me to hold my head up as I slink out of the meeting before someone, realizing that I'm not their preferred demographic, escorts me out. ... ... I think churches worry a lot too much about this kind of thing, to their detriment.

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