Monday 25 April 2011


It is the role he claims for the church, though, that makes this book so
worthwhile. Summers presents the possibility of a hospitable church as
a means of healing a wounded society through friendship which offers a
profoundly counter-cultural opportunity as a social good. He examines
hospitality by engaging with Derrida as a conversation partner, liking
Derrida’s openness and refusal to reach resolution, which Summers
believes to accord with the open Kingdom of God which is never to be
apprehended, and which is found in the dynamic of Eucharistic table
fellowship, in which the God who welcomes all, shares and is shared
(p. 178).
SUMMERS, Steve. Friendship: Exploring its Implications for the Church in
Postmodernity. London and New York: T&T Clark, 2009. 211pp. Hbk.
ISBN: 978-0567490643. £65.00.

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