Tuesday 10 April 2007

"Purified to the point of sterility"?

Kester's most recent piece from his blog had me stop in my tracks. I reproduce most of it as follows:

In a piece on the myth of 'Internet Neutrality' The Guardian quoted Professors Marshall Van Alstyne and Erik Brynjolfsoson, who, way back in 1997, wrote that,

"With the customised access and search capabilities, individuals can arrange to read only news and analysis that align with their preferences. Individuals empowered to screen out material that does not conform to their existing preferences may form virtual cliques, insulate themselves from opposing points of view, and reinforce their biases."

From their paper "Global Village or CyberBalkans: Modeling and Measuring the Integration of Electronic Communities"

This made me ponder: is my RSS selection doing anything to really challenge my preferences? Or, as Jung might put it, is my content 'purified to the point of sterility?'

I'm sure that I mostly read what 'fits' with most of my views, opinions, prejudices, etc. However, & I'm going to be brave in this, I don't find many people who share my views, opinions, etc. I seem to be surrounded, mostly, by people whose life styles, views, opinions, etc. I do not like or share. These are the people I encounter in the street & the majority of people in the church. I'm talking in a sweeping manner here of politics, economics, etc. I find crass consumerism, right wing politics, racist views, gender & age discrimination, worship styles, attitude to the poor on our doorsteps, Australian nationalism - the list I reckon is huge. I seem to be out of step with most. I try really hard to read the Scriptures and commenatators that I believe help me to may sense of same & share those insights, etc. with the congregation via worship, bible studies, church mission, etc. But it seems that where I read, etc. is mostly not congruent with where others are. I don't think it the case that I filter out all with which I do not agree - I'm bombarded with our Australian values, capitalist, etc. viewpoints every day! I can't avoid it! My searching out other writers, etc. is to try & balance what is the, for me, suffocating, presentation of leaders in all walks of Australian life, the various media and the "man in the street" of views and life styles that I find opposed to what I find in the Scriptures. Now some have said that if I only read certain authors, listened to certain speakers, attended certain workshops, etc. I'd find the "true" perspective. The trouble is that what they're presenting I find, simply, obnoxious.
So, where do I go? I don't know. I just know that I'm becoming more and more disenchanted with the life I lead.
So I'll begin another review of me.
Whew - a lot of personal stuff here. Sorry.

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